• Synchronicity : the entrepreneur's edge

    Satori, Jessika 1999 Boston [u.a.] : Butterworth-Heinemann Englisch 0750699256 | 713415 Abstract

    This book explores the connections between the Jungian concept of time-space relations and how today's business leaders can be aware of sychronistic situations to use them ethically in the workplace. It bridges the Jungian concepts of synchronicity with grounded business applications. It is written in a straightforward accessible style and includes examples from real life business situations. It explores synchronicity and explains how it can be recognized and used in business situations. This book takes the sayings ''timing is everything' and being "at the right place at the right time" and establishes that synchronistic events do occur in the lives of entrepreneurs and others with surprisingly regularity. · only book on "synchronicity" focused on entrepreneurial business · real entrepreneurs' stories in small and large companies show how timing and synchronicity helped in the creation of the business and in the ongoing decision-making


    Management | Synchronizität | Koinzidenz | Spiritualität

Satori, Jessika

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