• Gender and technology : empowering women, engendering development

    Everts, Saskia 1998 London [u.a.] : Zed [u.a.] Englisch 1856496570 | 1856496589 | 708988 Abstract

    A practical guide to integrating gender into technology and development, this book demonstrates why gender awareness needs to be integrated into technology transfer. Opening with an overview of the debate, the author looks at how technological development can be both a threat and an ally to women in their various roles. She provides a model training program for successful technology transfer and also examines the benefits of existing market-driven technological promotion. The second part focuses on the integration of gender into development projects. It presents a series of case studies and a useful list of issues to consider when introducing technology to women's enterprises.


    Entwicklungsländer | Frau | Technologietransfer

Everts, Saskia

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