Of philosophers and madmen : a disclosure of Martin Heidegger, Medard Boss, and Sigmund Freud
Askay, Richard | Farquhar, Jensen 2011 Contemporary psychoanalytic studies , Vol. 12 ( Serie ) Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi 9789401207140 | BRILL9789401207140 AbstractPreliminary Material -- Introduction -- Cast of Characters -- Play Setting -- Of Philosophers and Madmen -- On the Nature of Humans: Sigmund Freud -- Finding Oneself in Heidegger's Early Philosophy -- Stemming the Tide: Martin Heidegger's Critique of Freudian Psychoanalysis -- A Creative Misunderstanding: Ludwig Binswanger -- In Search of a Humanistic Grounding for Psychoanalysis: Medard Boss -- Toward an Integration of Psychoanalysis and Phenomenological Ontology -- Bibliography.