Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu) : a discussion with Plato and his predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul
Bos, A. P | Ferwerda, R 2008 Brill eBook titles 2008 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789047432685 | BRILL9789047432685 AbstractIn contrast to what is often thought, the work De spiritu is entirely Aristotelian. It provides an indispensable part of Aristotle’s philosophy of living nature. In this work he is the first Greek to argue that the most fundamental vital principle is not breath but vital heat. This vital heat forms a unity with the soul, as its instrumental body (sôma organikon). The treatise is mainly a debate with Plato's Timaeus. This new book consists of an Introduction, a Translation, and an extensive Commentary on the text of De spiritu. The main value of this book is to show convincingly that Aristotle’s theory of soul and biology have been misconstrued since 200 AD due to the intervention of Alexander of Aphrodisias.