John Wyclif's Discourse on dominion in community
Boreczky, Elemér 2008 Brill eBook titles 2008 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789047423034 | BRILL9789047423034 AbstractJohn Wyclif’s modern critics have found little in his works that justified his fame by the standards of intellectual history. This book reconstructs Wyclif’s discourse on the theological and political consequences of his radically new insight into the integrity of man and nature as regards the good, free and beautiful life, communicated to his contemporary scholastic and lay audience. His theological, legal and political vision of the opportunity to restore original justice through the spiritual reality and sanctity of persona humana in every man as well as in the community by the law of love and the use and enjoyment of dominion in community enfolds through abundant quotes from his works, justifying his fame at the time of the birth of the modern nation as the King of Philosophers and the Fifth Evangelist.