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  • Containing (un)American bodies : race, sexuality, and post-9/11 constructions of citizenship

    Bloodsworth-Lugo, Mary K | Lugo-Lugo, Carmen R 2010 Value inquiry book series , Vol. 219 ( Serie ) Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi 9789042030251 | BRILL9789042030251 Abstract

    OC The authors argue that queer, black, brown, and foreign bodies, and the so-called threats they represent, such as immigration reform and same-sex marriage, have been effectively linked with terrorism. These awful conflationsOC are enduring and help to explain the contradictions of contemporary U.S. politics. We are far from a post post-9/11 world.OCO Ronald R. Sundstrom, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of San Francisco, United StatesOC If you want to understand how a new biopolitics of citizenship is containing bodies of the nation by re-inscribing sex and race into it and how this new biopolitics is being resisted you must read this book.OCO Engin F. Isin, Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, The Open University, United Kingdom"
