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  • Subverting Masculinity : Hegemonic and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Contemporary Culture

    Lay, Frank | West, Russell 2000 Brill Book Archive Part 1, ISBN: 9789004472495 , Vol. 1 ( Serie ) Leiden; Boston : BRILL 9789004456631 | 9789042012349 | BRILL9789004456631 Abstract

    Contemporary Western societies are currently witness to a “crisis of masculinity” but also to an intriguing diversification of images of masculinity. Once relatively stable regimes of masculine gender representation appear to have been replaced by a wider spectrum of varieties of masculine “lifestyles” taken up by the media and the market, to produce new and immensely flexible forms consumerised gender hegemony. The essays in Subverting Masculinity concentrate on contemporary film, literature and diverse forms of popular culture. The essays show that the subversion of traditional images of masculinity is both a source of gender contestation, but may equally be susceptible to assimilation by new hegemonic configurations of masculinity. Subverting Masculinity maps out the ongoing relevance of gender politics in contemporary culture, but also raises the question of increasingly unclear distinctions between hegemonic and subversive versions of masculinity in contemporary cultural production. Subverting Masculinity will be of interest to students and teachers of gender, cultural, film and literary studies.
