Philosophie et Exégèse dans le Jardin de la métaphore de Moïse Ibn 'Ezra, Philosophe et Poète Andalou du XIIe Siècle
Fenton, Paul Bernard 1996 Études sur le judaïsme médiéval , Vol. 19 ( Serie ) Leiden; Boston : BRILL 9789004452107 | 9789004105980 | BRILL9789004452107 AbstractThis volume deals with the philosophical and exegetical doctrines of one of the greatest figures of the Golden Age of Spain - Moses Ibn 'Ezra, as they appear in his Garden of the Metaphor (Maqālat al-ḥadīqa). The latter, a study of man in his spiritual and physical aspects, is a résumé of all that a cultured Judaeo-arabic individual should know about philosophy. The author reviews the biblical metaphors dealing with man, against the background of the intellectual and literary climate of the period.