Studies in the formation of medieval Hebrew philosophical terminology : officina philosophica Hebraica
Leicht, Reimund | Veltri, Giuseppe 2020 Studies in Jewish History and Culture ( Serie ) Leiden Boston : BRILL 9789004412996 | BRILL9789004412996 AbstractThis volume contains studies based on papers delivered at the international conference of the PESHAT in Context project entitled “Themes, Terminology, and Translation Procedures in Twelfth-Century Jewish Philosophy.” The central figure in this book is Judah Ibn Tibbon. He sired the Ibn Tibbon family of translators, which influenced philosophical and scientific Hebrew writing for centuries. More broadly, the study of this early phase of the Hebrew translation movement also reveals that the formation of a standardized Hebrew terminology was a long process that was never fully completed. Terminological shifts are frequent even within the Tibbonide family, to say nothing of the fascinating terminological diversity displayed by other authors and translators discussed in this book.