• Animal experimentation : working towards a paradigm change

    Herrmann, Kathrin 2019 Human-animal studies, 1573-4226 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789004391192 | BRILL9789004391192 Abstract

    Animal experimentation has been one of the most controversial areas of animal use, mainly due to the intentional harms inflicted upon animals for the sake of hoped-for benefits in humans. Despite this rationale for continued animal experimentation, shortcomings of this practice have become increasingly more apparent and well-documented. However, these limitations are not yet widely known or appreciated, and there is a danger that they may simply be ignored. The 51 experts who have contributed to Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change critically review current animal use in science, present new and innovative non-animal approaches to address urgent scientific questions, and offer a roadmap towards an animal-free world of science.

Herrmann, Kathrin

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