• The rhythm of thought in Gramsci : a diachronic interpretation of Prison notebooks

    Cospito, Giuseppe | Ponzini, Arianna 2016 Historical materialism book series, 1570-1522 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill Englisch 9789004326903 | BRILL9789004326903 Abstract

    Many scholars have recently shown great interest in a diachronic re-examination of Antonio Gramsci’s main theoretical-political categories in the Prison Notebooks. This method would uncover the origins and development of Gramsci’s concepts using the same method that Gramsci himself believed would allow us to grasp ‘the rhythm of thought’ in Marx. The present work embraces this perspective and puts it to work in two ways. Its first part analyzes the relation between structure and superstructure and the concepts of hegemony and the regulated society. Its second part extends the diachronic analysis to the conceptual pairings which represent alternatives to structure-superstructure, encompassing questions of political and cultural organisation as well as the relation between Gramsci and the major proponents of historical materialism (Marx, Engels, Lenin). English translation of Il ritmo del pensiero: per una lettura diacronica dei «Quaderni del carcere» di Gramsci published by Bibliopolis, Naples (2011).

Cospito, Giuseppe
Ponzini, Arianna

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