Marxism and Historical Practice : Interventions and Appreciations. Volume II
Palmer, Bryan D 2015 Historical Materialism Book Series ( Serie ) Leiden : BRILL 9789004301849 | BRILL9789004301849 AbstractThe two volumes of Marxism and Historical Practice bring together a wide range of essays written by one of the major Marxist historians of the last fifty years. Collected in Volume II, Interventions and Appreciations, are articles and reviews capturing the breadth of Palmer’s interests as a radical historian. Cultural forms and representational productions are analysed; political readings of historiography and pioneering historical practice provided. Themes as diverse as the analytic and political contributions of Eric Hobsbawm and E.P. Thompson, the conflicted legacies of American Trotskyism, and the representation of class politics in Scorsese’s Gangs of New York are covered.