• Die metaphysische Synthese des Johannes von Damaskus : Historische Zusammenhange und Strukturtransformationen

    Markov, Smilen 2015 Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 0169-8028 ( Serie ) Boston : Brill 9789004299351 | BRILL9789004299351 Abstract

    Smilen Markov’s monograph on the metaphysical synthesis of John Damascene depicts a paradox ontological structure: the single man, whose ontological position is conditioned by non-being, participates in the life of the Origin of being. The term ‘historical interconnections’ denotes the basic elements of Damascene’s reception strategy through which he approaches the Holy Scripture and the tradition of the fathers. The structural transformation to which different epochs and cultural circles put Damascene’s concepts reveals regularity in understanding the intellectual scope of the Palestinian monk. The reception of his thought could serve as an indicator for the stable mental structures, ‘framing’ the epoch turning-points in European culture for at least six centuries.



Markov, Smilen

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