Abraham Ibn Ezra on nativities and continuous horoscopy : a parallel Hebrew-English critical edition of the Book of nativities and the Book of revolution
Ibn Ezra, Abraham Ben Meïr | Sela, Shlomo 2014 Abraham Ibn Ezra's astrological writings ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill Englisch | Hebräisch 9789004258525 | BRILL9789004258525 AbstractThe present volume offers the first critical edition, accompanied with English translation and commentary, of Sefer ha-Moladot, which addresses the doctrine of nativities and the system of continuous horoscopy in nativities, and of Sefer ha-Tequfah, which is devoted exclusively to continuous horoscopy in nativities. The doctrine of nativities makes predictions about the whole of an individual’s subsequent life on the basis of the natal chart, and the system of continuous horoscopy in nativities is concerned with the interval between life and death and makes predictions based mainly on anniversary horoscopes, which are juxtaposed with the natal horoscope. To Abraham Ibn Ezra’s mind, not only are these two doctrines the core of astrology; they also epitomize the praxis of the astrological métier. “Sela...has provided explanatory appendices and very interesting notes about Jewish attitudes toward the sciences and astrology in the middle ages.” Reference & Research Book News, 2013.