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  • Nicolaus Cusanus on faith and the intellect : a case study in 15th-Century Fides-Ratio Controversy

    Ziebart, K. M 2013 Brill's studies in intellectual history, 0920-8607 ( Serie ) Boston : Brill 9789004252141 | BRILL9789004252141 Abstract

    In Nicolaus Cusanus on Faith and the Intellect, K.M. Ziebart argues convincingly that Cusanus’ epistemology was a direct response to late-medieval debates over the relation between faith and reason—one which sought to resolve these debates by introducing a controversially strong integration of philosophy and theology. By examining his works in the context of debates with his peers, Ziebart shows how and why Cusanus came to articulate a theory of knowledge in which faith is posited as inherent to the very structure of mind, as the vis iudiciaria, or power of judgment. This well-grounded study sheds new light on the Cusan philosophy and expands our view of a crucial, liminal period in European intellectual history.
