Between demonstration and imagination : essays in the history of science and philosophy presented to John D. North
North, John David | Nauta, Lodi | Vanderjagt, Arie Johan 1999 Brill's studies in intellectual history, 0920-8607 ( Serie ) Leiden, Netherlands ; Boston : Brill Englisch | Niederländisch | Italienisch 9789004247505 | BRILL9789004247505 AbstractThe essays in this volume reflect the wide-ranging interests of John D. North, distinguished historian of science and philosophy. Section One has papers on horoscopes, astrolabes and time-reckoning, and it includes an edition of a twelfth-century treatise on the astrolabe and surveys of astrolabes. Section Two is devoted to the study of the medieval cosmos. These contributions discuss Calcidian astronomy, astronomy in the Spanish Jewish community, the role of God in scholastic natural philosophy, and other themes. New information is presented about previously unknown scholars such as Abd al-Masīḥ of Winchester and Simon Bredon. Section Three contains essays on philosophy and scholarship in the early modern period, including pieces about commentaries on Boethius’s Consolatio Philosophiae in the Northern Renaissance, Spinozistic philosophy, and the early modern concept of substance. These essays take up the various themes to which John D. North has made important contributions: the development of scientific knowledge and methodology, the style of scientific and philosophical thought, and the uses of scientific knowledge in the making of instruments or the casting of horoscopes: this book will be of much interest to all historians of science and philosophy. Contributors include: Charles Burnett, Bruce S. Eastwood, Owen Gingerich, Bernard R. Goldstein, Edward Grant, Keith Hutchison, David A. King, Richard Lorch, F.R. Maddison, Lodi Nauta, Detlev Pätzold, J.A. van Ruler, Julio Samsó, Keith Snedegar, A.J. Turner, Arjo Vanderjagt, and G. Frederici Vescovini.