Web of nature : Martin Lister (1639-1712), the first arachnologist
Roos, Anna Marie Eleanor 2011 Brill eBook titles 2011 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789004209565 | BRILL9789004209565 AbstractThis first full-length biography of Dr. Martin Lister (1639-1712), vice-president of the Royal Society, Royal Physician, and the first arachnologist and conchologist, provides an unprecedented picture of a seventeenth-century virtuoso. Lister is recognized for his discovery of ballooning spiders and as the father of conchology, but it is less well known that he invented the histogram, provided Newton with alloys, and donated the first significant natural history collections to the Ashmolean Museum. Just as Lister was the first to make a systematic study of spiders and their webs, this biography is the first to analyze the significant webs of knowledge, patronage, and familial and gender relationships that governed his life as a scientist and physician.