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  • New perspectives on Aristotle's De caelo

    Bowen, Alan C | Wildberg, Christian 2009 Philosophia antiqua, 0079-1687 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill 9789004189829 | BRILL9789004189829 Abstract

    This volume is the first collection of scholarly articles in any modern language devoted to Aristotle’s De caelo. It grew out of series of workshops held at Princeton, Cambridge, and Paris in the late 1990’s. Since Aristotle’s De caelo had a major influence on cosmological thinking until the time of Galileo and Kepler and helped to shape the way in which Western civilization imagined its natural environment and place at the center of the universe, familiarity with the main doctrines of the De caelo is a prerequisite for an understanding of much of the thought and culture of antiquity and the Middle Ages.
