• Karel Appel, un geste de couleur

    Appel, Karel 2009 Englisch | Französisch 9789058677563 | 7227774 Abstract

    "Karel Appel. A gesture of colour is the first of a series of five volumes, bringing together the most important writings of Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) on contemporary art and artists. The book he devoted to the art of Karel Appel (1921-2006) is without doubt one of the most complete and inspired texts of all the writing included in the series. Neither the original French manuscript nor the English translation has ever been published before, and their presentation face to face should constitute a considerable plus. In this book, Lyotard presents Karel Appel's "matterism" as an offer of presence, presence deferred -- it is the visual where every predicate is suspended, the visual touched, "gesture" of colour more than property of colour, appearance at the edge of the abyss. Christine Buci-Glucksmann's epilogue situates Karel Appel. A gesture of colour within the whole of Lyotard's writings on art and his subsequent work."--P. [4] of cover.


    Appel, Karel | Kunst | Farbe | Ästhetik

Appel, Karel
Appel, Karel

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