• Learning mind : experience into art

    Jacob, Mary Jane 2009 Berkeley [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press Englisch 9780520260764 | 7221276 Abstract

    "Learning Mind: Experience Into Art is astonishing in its range of authors, depths of perception, and subjects, gliding elegantly among three thematic clusters, from 'Being of Being an Artist' to 'Making Art and Pedagogy' and, finally, to 'Experiencing Art.' The editors have brilliantly and imaginatively realized the promise of their anthology's tantalizing, terse title."--Moira Roth, author of Traveling Companions/Fractured Worlds "Jacob and Baas have gathered together an exceptional group of some of the most articulate writers about art of this generation, as well as some of the most intelligent, thoughtful, esteemed and socially engaged artists. The Learning Mind invites them to speak from their own experiences with art; what emerges are important biographical moments of insight about the way art is a device for transforming consciousness."--Jennifer Gonzalez, University of California, Santa Cruz


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Jacob, Mary Jane

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