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  • Scaling the Walls of Injustice Blaire, Stephen E. 2018 Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice , Vol. 1 , Issue 1 , S. 11 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 2576-2966 10.5840/praxis2018112 Abstract

    There are many obstacles to the right relationships which must exist wherever people gather and interconnect if justice is to prevail. One such barrier pertains to the naming of evil or a lesser good as a good to be achieved. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola speak of “evil presented under the guise of good.” Another such obstacle is the closure of one’s mind in a self-referential way. There is little or no humble openness to search for the truth of what is good for people and for the earth. A third wall is the breakdown of genuine dialogue. A tribal mentality views others as the enemy with nothing significant to offer. As a Church and as individual members we are challenged to overcome and remove any barrier by building right relationships. With God we can break through any barrier; with God we can scale any wall (Ps.18:30).


    Catholic Tradition | Religious Studies | Social and Political Philosophy
