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  • Analytic Theology and its Method Ahsan, Abbas 2020 Philotheos , Vol. 20 , Issue 2 , S. 173 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1451-3455 | 2620-0163 10.5840/philotheos202020213 Abstract

    I shall present an analysis of analytic theology as primarily characterised by Michael Rea (2011). I shall establish that if analytic theology is essentially characterised with the ambitions outlined by Rea, then it corresponds to a theological realist view. Such a theological realist view would subsequently result in an onto-theology. To demonstrate this, I shall examine how an onto-theological approach to a God of the Abrahamic Faiths (namely, a transcendent God) would prove to be (theologically) incompatible and even hostile. In essence, my argument shall demonstrate that providing analytic theology is essentially characterised with the ambitions Rea alludes to, it is discordant with a transcendent God of the Abrahamic Faiths.


    Philosophy and Religion | Religious Studies
