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  • A Revival of Metaphysics? : Reviewing Philip Gonzales’s Call for a Revitalization of the Catholic Analogia Entis Mcmeans, Joseph 2022 Maynooth Philosophical Papers , Vol. 11 , S. 99 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 2009-7743 | 2009-7751 10.5840/mpp202222519 Abstract

    In this article, I seek to review Philip Gonzales’s call for a revitalization of the Catholic analogia entis, both as a fundamental philosophical principle and as a guiding metaphysical vision for the Church today, as explicated in his recent work, Reimagining the Analogia Entis: The Future of Erich Pryzwara’s Christian Vision. I will begin by offering a short synopsis of Erich Przywara’s reappraisal of analogy in relation to the work of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, followed by an exposition of Philip Gonzales’s call for a non-identical repetition of Przywara’s metaphysical vision both in philosophy and the Church at large. In closing, I will seek to offer an evaluation of Gonzales’s proposal from a supportive yet concerned horizon of postmetaphysical mindfulness.


    Contemporary Philosophy
