• El sacerdocio como configuración con Cristo, según san Agustín Eguiarte Bendímez, Enrique A. 2021 Mayéutica , Vol. 47 , Issue 104 , S. 295 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Spanisch (Kastilisch) 0210-2900 | 2603-9729 10.5840/mayeutica20214710427 Abstract

    The article considers the configuration of the ordained minister with Christ, starting first from the Old Testament figures that St. Augustine highlights (Melchizedek, Aaron, Joshua) as well as the theological consequences that he draws from these figures in relation to the priesthood. Subsequently, the article addresses the internal and external configuration that the ordained minister must have with Christ, the only Priest. In relation to the internal configuration, the importance of prayer and the configuration of the ordained minister with the feelings of Christ are highlighted, so that he can become an instrument of God’s mercy. The configuration of the ordained minister to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is also discussed, as well as the patience and trust that every ordained minister must have in God. The external elements of the configuration of the ordained minister to Christ are also highlighted, starting from the lifestyle of Christ, dedicated only to the proclamation of the kingdom, the importance of the mission and the joy in the exercise of the pastoral ministry.


    Catholic Tradition | Philosophy and Religion | Religious Studies

Eguiarte Bendímez, Enrique A.
Catholic Tradition
Philosophy and Religion
Religious Studies

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