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  • What is an Emotion? Cohen, Elliot D. 2021 International Journal of Applied Philosophy , Vol. 35 , Issue 2 , S. 171 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0739-098X | 2153-6910 10.5840/ijap2022512171 Abstract

    This paper distinguishes between two types of emotion: (1) “bottom-up” largely “prewired” or conditioned responses to environmental stimuli and (2) “top-down” “evaluative” emotions that are a function of a person’s evaluative inferences and use of “emotive” language. The paper, in turn, develops an analysis of the latter type of emotion and formulates a definition that tracks three interrelated levels of activity transpiring during an emotional episode: logico-linguistic (a chain of practical syllogistic inferences), phenomenological (interoceptive feelings), and neurological (cortical and subcortical brain activities). In the light of this analysis, it shows how Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), a prominent form of philosophical counseling created by the author, can be used to overcome self-destructive forms of evaluative emotions such as intense anxiety, anger, and guilt, and depression.


    Applied Philosophy | General Interest | Social and Political Philosophy
