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  • The ‘Belonging to a Kind’ Reading of the Eudemian Ergon Argument Ferguson, Daniel 2022 Ancient Philosophy , Vol. 42 , Issue 2 , S. 471 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0740-2007 | 2154-4689 Abstract

    Aristotle does not uniquely specify, much less define, eudaimonia in the EE’s ergon argument (1218b31-1219a39). He concludes simply that eudaimonia belongs to a certain kind. That Aristotle claims to have offered a horos of eudaimonia (1219a39-40) does not show that he has uniquely specified eudaimonia. This interpretation has implications for our understanding of Aristotle’s Eudemian account of eudaimonia; of Eudemian methodology; and of his use of ergon argument more generally.


    Ancient Philosophy | History of Philosophy
