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  • To Pardon what Conscience Dreads : Revisiting Max Scheler’s Phenomenology of Repentance Lisowski, R. James 2022 American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly , Vol. 96 , Issue 3 , S. 435 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1051-3558 | 2153-8441 10.5840/acpq2022510254 Abstract

    This article will examine the religious phenomenology of Max Scheler as it is found in his essay on repentance. In outlining Scheler’s understanding of repentance, I shall note his attempt at defining the phenomenon, as well as the presuppositions to and outcomes of this religious act. With this foundation laid, I shall then offer two critiques. First, Scheler’s rendering of repentance limps in not accounting for the cyclical and repeatable nature of repentance, to which human experience and Scheler’s own broader philosophy attest. Second, Scheler’s essay does not consider the role of other persons both in leading one to repentance and in completing the process. As with the first critique, both human experience and Scheler’s own personalist philosophy testify to the necessary role of other persons. These lacunae detract from the otherwise rich phenomenological account.


    Catholic Tradition | Contemporary Philosophy | History of Philosophy | Philosophy and Religion
