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  • On the Virtues of Inhospitality : Toward an Ethics of Public Reason and Critical Engagement Torcello, Lawrence 2014 Philo , Vol. 17 , Issue 1 , S. 99 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1098-3570 | 2154-1639 10.5840/Philo20141717 Abstract

    This article seeks to reconceptualize Rawlsian public reason as a critical tool against ideological propaganda. The article proposes that public reason, as a standard for public discourse, must be conceptualized beyond its mandate for comprehensive neutrality to additionally emphasize critique of ideologically driven ignorance and propaganda in the public realm. I connect uncritical hospitality to such ideological propaganda with Harry Frankfurt’s concept of bullshit. This paper proposes that philosophers have a unique moral obligation to engage bullshit critically in the public sphere. The obligation for such critique, I argue, represents philosophy’s essential moral component in a society committed to the protection of free speech and deliberative democracy.


    Philosophy and Religion
