• Hierocles and the Stoic Theory of Blending Helle, Reier 2018 Phronesis , Vol. 63 , Issue 1 , S. 87 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0031-8868 | 1568-5284 Abstract

    In Stoic physics, blending (ϰρᾶσις) is the relation between active pneuma and passive matter; natural bodies from rocks and logs to plants, animals and the cosmos itself are blends of pneuma and matter. Blending structures the Stoic cosmos. I develop a new interpretation of the Stoic theory of blending, based on passages from Hierocles. The theory of blending, I argue, has been misunderstood. Hierocles allows us to see in detail how the theory is supposed to work and how it fits into Stoic physics.


    Stoicism | Stoic physics | blending | soul | Chrysippus | Hierocles

Helle, Reier
Stoic physics

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