• ¬The moral philosophy of R. M. Hare : a vindication of utilitarianism?

    Adu-Amankwah, Patrick A. 1997 American university studies : Ser. 5, Philosophy ( Serie ) New York [u.a.] : Lang 0820427039 | 710883 Abstract

    This is probably the most comprehensive study of R. M. Hare's moral language analysis which leads to his defense of utilitarianism. Contesting the attempt by logical positivists to make moral statements non-philosophy, this work agrees in large part with R. M. Hare's analysis of language, but points out that Hare deserts his own philosophy in real situations of application. It finds that the utilitarian element to be found in most moral judgments is given undue weight and made the foundation of morality; actually utilitarianism only expropriates old precepts of intuitions. This book is commendable for its singular call to see the value of various moral philosophical positions and reconcile the truth in them, for such truths are not mutually exclusive simply because they come from philosophers of different schools.


    Hare, Richard Mervyn | Ethik | Hypnose

Adu-Amankwah, Patrick A.
Hare, Richard Mervyn

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