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  • Studies on contemporary Chinese philosophy (1949-2009)

    Guo, Qiyong | D'ambrosio, Paul J 2018 Modern Chinese philosophy, 1875-9386 ( Serie ) Leiden ; Boston : Brill Englisch 9789004360495 | BRILL9789004360495 Abstract

    Guo Qiyong’s edited volume on contemporary Chinese philosophy offers a detailed look at research on Chinese philosophy published from 1949-2009 in Mainland China and Taiwan. The chapters in this volume are broken down into either major themes or time periods in the history of Chinese philosophy. In each chapter after summarizing significant aspects of a particular theme or time period, lists are drawn up of the most important works, along with comments on their individual contributions. This volume allows readers to both familiarize themselves with specific texts and become immersed in the more general philosophical discourse surrounding the history of Chinese philosophy. It provides an in-depth look into serious debates and major discoveries in Chinese language philosophical scholarship from 1949-2009.
