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  • The Actual Power of the Scientifically Justified Norms Tielsch, Elfriede Walesca 1983 Der 16. Weltkongress für Philosophie , Vol. 3 , S. 573 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 9783820458121 | 3820458123 10.5840/wcp1619833157 Abstract

    The period of enlightenment, in an enormous world-wide experiment once more tried to only "deduce" norms, by simply teaching Science. Empirical antiquity, in contrast to this Platonic-Aristotelean concept, already realised, that only special mental faculties, as fore-sight or possibility-choice, adequately transform scientific knowledge into corresponding norms of behavior, and consequently instituted separate teaching-processes for the induction of scientific laws or "convictions". Even such scientifically justified values, however, can never compete with the fascination and power of the "ready-made" mere customs, moral commandments, religions or ideologies of all times.


    Conference Proceedings | Contemporary Philosophy
