• Aspects of the Problem of Spatio-temporal Infinity of the World Such, Jan 1983 Der 16. Weltkongress für Philosophie , Vol. 3 , S. 557 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 9783820458121 | 3820458123 10.5840/wcp1619833154 Abstract

    Eight problems can be distinquished as far as the question of spatio-temporal infinity of the world is concerned: four problems of cosmological infinity and four Problems of microcosmic infinity. Four problems of cosmological boundlessnes of the Universe correspond to the former four. In the paper I intend to demonstrate how all above problems can be linked/ into six pairs and to justify the thesis that the problem of eternity of the world is identical to the problem of genetic boundlessnes of the Universe. The possibility of solving abovementioned problems is discussed, especially with respect to the problem of eternity.


    Conference Proceedings | Contemporary Philosophy

Such, Jan
Conference Proceedings
Contemporary Philosophy

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