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  • Revisiting the Flag at Prospect Hill : Grand Union or Just British? Delear, Byron 2014 Raven: A Journal of Vexillology , Vol. 21 , S. 19 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1071-0043 | 2376-8592 10.5840/raven2014213 Abstract

    Recent research has questioned whether the Grand Union flag (a.k.a. “Continental Colors”) really flew at Prospect Hill, Boston, on 1 January 1776. Eye­witness accounts use the term “union flag” and a new interpretation theorizes this to have referred specifically to the British Union Jack and not the characteristic “union flag with 13 red-and-white stripes.” This paper rebuts the new interpretation and supports the conventional history through an examination of eighteenth-century linguistic standards, contextual historical trends, and additional primary and secondary sources.


    History | Semiotics
