• Rough, Foul-Mouthed Boys : Women’s Monstrous Laboring Bodies Wendling, Amy E. 2007 Radical Philosophy Today , Vol. 5 , S. 49 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1934-547X | 2154-1558 10.5840/radphiltoday200754 Abstract

    Karl Marx claims that alienation inheres in all wage labor. I raise questions about the applicability of this claim to subjects of patriarchy. In the first section, I discuss industrial wage labor and its allure for women who were trying to escape the norms of familial patriarchy. In the second section, I extend this criticism of Marx’s claim by considering the racially enslaved subjects of the Antebellum American South, for whom economicallyrecognized wage labor was still a bloody political battle. Finally, I turn to the identification of working class women and sexuality, in order to show how wage labor offered liberation from narrow bourgeois sexual strictures. I conclude by reassessing the viability of Marx’s critique of alienation, taking into account the standpoints from which wage labor itself was a considerable political achievement.


    Conference Proceedings | Social and Political Philosophy

Wendling, Amy E.
Conference Proceedings
Social and Political Philosophy

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