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  • The Left and Humanitarian Intervention as Solidarity Van Der Linden, Harry 2006 Radical Philosophy Today , Vol. 3 , S. 111 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1934-547X | 2154-1558 10.5840/radphiltoday200636 Abstract

    Although the author concedes that much criticism from the left alleging ulterior imperialist motives of missions for “humanitarian intervention” is valid; nevertheless, the author argues that it would be wrong to rule out the concept of humanitarian intervention, even when conducted by imperialist powers for imperialist motives. The concept of “rescue” remains a valid humanitarian concept, and a logical foundation for solidarity with populations who find themselves under assault and defenseless. The author considers various regulative principles that may guide more careful thinking about humanitarian intervention.


    Conference Proceedings | Social and Political Philosophy
