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  • Perceptual, Reflective, and Speculative Doubt : An Engagement with Nyāya Vaidya, Anand Jayprakash 2021 Midwest Studies in Philosophy , Vol. 45 , S. 77 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0363-6550 | 1475-4975 Abstract

    In this paper I present the distinction between perceptual, reflective, and speculative doubt by engaging with the work of (mostly) early naiyāyikas. I argue that the definition of the causes of doubt offered by Gautama Akṣapāda in the Nyāya-Sūtra, and commented upon by later naiyāyikas leads to a distinction between perceptual and reflective doubt, but not to a notion of speculative doubt. I then move on to critically assess J.N. Mohanty’s comparison of Descartes’s method of doubt with the Nyāya theory of doubt through the lens of Janet Broughton’s work on Descartes’s Method of Doubt.


    Analytic Philosophy | Contemporary Philosophy
