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  • The Origins of the Husserl-Heidegger Philosophical Dispute in Twentieth-Century Phenomenology Mcdonnell, Cyril 2018 Maynooth Philosophical Papers , Vol. 9 , S. 81 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 2009-7743 | 2009-7751 10.5840/mpp201810305 Abstract

    This paper investigates the different ‘scientific’ methods of enquiry that were proposed by Brentano, Dilthey, and Husserl in late nineteenth-century philosophy as background to understanding the philosophical dispute that later emerged between Husserl and Heidegger regarding the definition of phenomenology in the twentieth century. It argues that once Heidegger accepts both Dilthey’s approach and hermeneutic method of enquiry into human experiences, he is unable to follow Husserl in his development of Brentano’s idea of a descriptive science of consciousness and its objectivities into an eidetic science of pure intentional consciousness.


    Contemporary Philosophy
