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  • Know-Nothing Nihilism: Pandemic and the Scandal of White Evangelicalism Harrington, Michelle A. 2022 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics , Vol. 42 , Issue 1 , S. 57 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1540-7942 | 2326-2176 Abstract

    White evangelical habits of mind and idolatrous allegiances propped up a devastatingly irresponsible political administration; I argue that the COVID-19 pandemic should be viewed as an apocalypse: “a catastrophic revelation”—in this case, of Christian responsibility refused. I engage the works of Christian historians Mark Noll and Kristin Kobes Du Mez to interrogate how evangelical habits of mind and heart have nurtured anti-intellectualism, credulousness, and the uncritical adoption of neoliberal economic individualism before turning to a constructive Christian realist call for “nasty” (honest, embodied) thinking and genuine repentance which draws from Andrew DeCort’s Bonhoeffer scholarship.


    Applied Philosophy | Philosophy and Religion
