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  • The Hope of Meaningful Immortality Buben, Adam 2021 Journal of Philosophical Research , Vol. 46 , S. 89 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1053-8364 | 2153-7984 10.5840/jpr2021630163 Abstract

    Ever since Bernard Williams (1993) made the character Elina Makropulos central to his case against the desirability of immortality, a debate has raged on between philosophers who join him in arguing that immortal life would lack meaning, and those who defend the prospects of meaningful everlasting existence. I will argue that a never-ending existence offers more hope for personal meaning and value than ordinary finite existence does. To illustrate the idea that having a necessary ending spoils life’s meaning, I introduce a new literary example—Leonid Andreyev’s Lazarus—to juxtapose with Elina Makropulos. Lazarus personifies the notion that the transient significance of life simply evaporates in comparison with the infinite nothingness of death. Among other things, dying means the destruction of the first-personal sense of value we build up and attribute to our lives through conscious experience, memories, and agency.


    Contemporary Philosophy | General Interest
