• Counter-History Ross, Stephen David 2009 International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series , Vol. 5 , S. 129 ff. ( Serie ) Englisch 2154-5456 | 2154-5448 9781586842741 | 1586842749 10.5840/ispms20096 Abstract

    The fundamental faith of the metaphysicians is the faith in opposite values. . . .For one may doubt, first, whether there are any opposites at all, and secondly whether these popular valuations and opposite values on which the metaphysicians put their seal, are not perhaps merely foreground estimates, only provisional perspectives, perhaps even from some nook, perhaps from below, frog perspectives, as it were, to borrow an expression painters use. For all the value that the true, the truthful, the selfless may deserve, it wouldstill be possible that a higher and more fundamental value for life might have to be ascribed to deception, selfishness, and lust. . . .Maybe! (Nietzsche, BGE, #2)


    Continental Philosophy | Language and Literature

Ross, Stephen David
Continental Philosophy
Language and Literature

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