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  • Karol Wojtyła’s Thinking on Truth Hołub, Grzegorz 2021 International Philosophical Quarterly , Vol. 61 , Issue 4 , S. 387 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0019-0365 | 2153-8077 10.5840/ipq2022331182 Abstract

    In his book The Acting Person Karol Wojtyła makes frequent references to the concept of truth. He analyzes truth expressions in various realms, including the epistemological, the metaphysical, the moral, and the axiological. He does not, however, say exactly what he means by truth. This essay analyzes select passages from this book and tries to formulate a coherent understanding of truth as Wojtyła conceived it. This essay puts special emphasis on the question of axiological truth, for this concept is novel within the Thomistic framework of philosophizing and seems to be a consequence of the philosopher’s encounter with phenomenology. In the centre of attention is the first edition of this book published in 1969 in Poland. The main intention of the article is to grasp the very first Wojtylian approach to the problem of truth.


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