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  • Is Kuhn’s 'World Change through Revolutions' Comprehensible? Hoyningen-Huene, Paul 2022 Epistemology & Philosophy of Science , Vol. 59 , Issue 4 , S. 55 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1811-833X | 2311-7133 Abstract

    Kuhn’s talk of “world change through revolutions” has mostly been met with perplexity. What is it really that Kuhn wants to express in this strange way? I will first review what Kuhn exactly says on this topic. Next, I show that the world change talk is at least not inconsistent and has some initial plausibility. Then I will discuss whether “world change through revolutions” should be replaced by “change of world view”. This will show that “world change through revolutions” is motivated by a strictly non-presentist historiographic stance. However, Kuhn’s intended message can also be expressed in a philosophically much less provocative way.


    Contemporary Philosophy | Philosophy of Science
