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  • E-Negotiations in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Importance of Cultural Familiarity in the Western and Arabic Contexts Najafi, Iman | Boltuc, Peter (Piotr) 2022 Dialogue and Universalism , Vol. 32 , Issue 2 , S. 19 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1234-5792 | 1689-3816 Abstract

    This paper focuses on the influence of cultural familiarity on getting the most out of an e-negotiation for merger or acquisition based on subjective and objective negotiation behaviors. We examined if cultural awareness could increase the rate of negotiation self-efficacy, shorten the length of negotiation and optimize deal closure results. To do so, firstly we investigate the concept of e-negotiation and its development in the last two decades. Then a series of systematic reviews is performed on the parameters influencing the success in offline and online merger or acquisition negotiations. We also considered the main traits of Western and Middle Eastern Arab cultures on negotiations. The results show that many of the requirements of successful collaboration, or negotiations, with Arab managers can currently happen only through face-to-face meetings.


    Continental Philosophy | Language and Literature | Social and Political Philosophy | Social Science
