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  • 'Affirmative Equality' : The Way to Equitable Campaign Finance Reform Freundlich, Alex 2013 Binghamton Journal of Philosophy , Vol. 1 , Issue 1 , S. 41 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 2324-8718 | 2324-8726 10.5840/binghamton2013114 Abstract

    In this paper, I offer a new and cogent argument that would allow equitable campaign finance reform to be constitutional: the Supreme Court, beginning with Buckley v. Valeo, has consistently struck down campaign finance regulations that are necessary for making the elec­toral system as equitable as possible. The Court has ruled that such regulations are unconstitutional when evaluated against the First Amendment right to free speech. Because of past electoral discrimi­nation in colonial and postcolonial America, and because the effects of that discrimination are extant and flagrant, a compelling argument for equitable campaign finance reform can be made. Through a new concept called “affirmative equality,” which is based on affirmative action, I show that equitable campaign finance reform is attainable and that it should be carried out. At the end of the paper, I respond to objections to my argument, and show that these objections are wanting.


    Contemporary Philosophy
