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  • Why did Plato choose Alcibiades to praise Socrates in the Symposium? Bonnemaison, Anthony 2022 Ancient Philosophy , Vol. 42 , Issue 2 , S. 389 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0740-2007 | 2154-4689 Abstract

    The contrast between the content of Alcibiades’ speech and the character delivering it is a well-known interpretative difficulty of the last speech of Plato’s Symposium, for Alcibiades reveals important truths about Socrates and his philosophical practice, yet he seems to be the least suited man to do so and praise philosophy. Offering a more positive account of Alcibiades as a character in the Platonic dialogues, I argue that this difficulty can be solved provided one takes into account the political agenda of the Symposium.


    Ancient Philosophy | History of Philosophy
