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  • Physicalism, the Natural Sciences, and Naturalism Cahoone, Lawrence 2013 Philo , Vol. 16 , Issue 2 , S. 130 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 1098-3570 | 2154-1639 10.5840/Philo20131629 Abstract

    The most common definitions of the physical lead to a problem for physicalism. If the physical is the objects of physics, then unique objects of other sciences are not physical and, if the causal closure of the physical is accepted, cannot cause changes in the physical. That means unique objects of chemistry, the Earth sciences, and biology cannot causally affect physical states. But physicalism’s most reliable claim, the nomological dependence of nonphysical entities and properties on the physical, can be accepted by a naturalism that avoids such problems.


    Philosophy and Religion
