• Intangible Matters : On Color and Sound in Art (James Turrell, Morton Feldman) Figal, Günter | Mcgavran, Sarah 2018 Research in Phenomenology , Vol. 48 , Issue 3 , S. 307 ff. ( Zeitschrift ) Englisch 0085-5553 | 1569-1640 Abstract

    This paper is on matter and on art. Based on the assumption that the everyday attitude toward the world is a kind of materialistic realism and that philosophers, from the beginning of philosophy on, have objected to the plausibility of epistemological reliance on matter, I make attempts to investigate what matter is. I suggest doing this in reference to art. In particular I discuss works of art representing kinds of matter so extraordinary that their material character even could be doubted: light and sound. An installation by James Turrell and a piece of music composed by Morton Feldman, Rothko Chapel , function as paradigms to demonstrate the material character of light and sound and also the affinity of matter to space. Having qualities, matter proves to be different from space; being amorphous, however, matter as such has no distinct appearance, but, like space, enables appearance.


    realism | matter | phenomenology of art | music

Figal, Günter
Mcgavran, Sarah
phenomenology of art

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